San Diego Finish
I am about to leave San Diego, where I've been for three weeks. I have written three posts on being here, including the first one where I said I would let you know when I found something to photograph. What a presumption! I never did find anything to grab onto photographically here, but it wasn't for want of trying. However, I did do a few things I like and believe are worth sharing.
So, this is a little chancy but this is a blog, not a place where I am always presenting finished work. I am going to post what work I did that I believe is good, perhaps not great, but good. This is presented in the vein of showing someones work "in process" as opposed to a finished and completed portfolio.
I would be the first to admit I don't have all the answers here. Photography is hard and I am struggling along with the rest of you to make pictures that go beyond, say something and connect. San Diego has been a lesson in humility. Good to get that from time to time.
I've already given you some of the work done while here in the three other San Diego blogs, plus the Dunes 2013 piece so I won't repeat those here.
Here are some others. Here goes:
This is one of my favorites as it seems to smolder and pulse a little. It is also nicely enigmatic. Proof to me that I seldom know if a picture is going to work or not when I take it. Aboard the aircraft carrier USS Midway.
Above taken from the USS Midway.
I spent an afternoon driving and shooting through Topanga and Malibu Canyons and Mullholland Drive north of LA.
One day at the San Diego Aquarium:
These below are part of a larger set I am working on called "Mall Backs". There is a multiple post coming that examines this work as well as the " Mallchitecture" work represented on the site:
Again, below, part of a larger series still to come but along the eastern shore of the Salton Sea. Remember the movie Alien? Remember the space ship they found? Remember what was down inside the belly of the big ship? Remember the sets were designed by the artist H.R. Giger?
Look what I found:
President's Day morning, downtown San Diego:
What's my lesson? What do I think you should do? I think you should go out with a camera and make pictures. I think I should do that too. Hard to follow ones own advice sometimes.
So I've got three more days here. Don't know what that means. More pictures? Tell you what. I get anything good, I'll post it.
BTW: a friend emailed me that she's so psyched by all my talk of aerials that she's going to try it. This as opposed to most of you that seem to read these posts but don't comment. You can you know.